
Mountos is more than just selling flashy hiking shoes, we also sell backpacks. Backpacks are essential for your hike, we wouldn’t be a good hiking brand if we didn’t sell them next to our shoes. Especially because of the extra support insoles you get when ordering shoes, you need to have a place to store them during your walk till it is time to switch the insoles. Our tip before you go on a hike is: Always pack your things, maybe even use a checklist where everything is on so you don’t forget anything. And to make sure you’re hike will be easily finished especially pack your extra support insoles to have a boost in your energy mid-way.

Mountos compatible with the Nordic Walking sport

The Nordic walking sport is upcoming again and can be matched very well with Mountos. Nordic walking is a full body outdoor exercise, that comes with health benefits. Like Weight loss, improved fitness and improved heart health. So why am it telling you all this? That’s because the Nordic Walking Sport cannot be done without good hiking shoes, that is where we come in. Not only does our brand sell shoes we also like to be remembered by our choice for a healthy lifestyle, that’s why we are compatible with Nordic Walking as well. P.S. We do not sell Nordic walking sticks but for the correct shoes we are and have the perfect fit.

Brain training

With brain training we mean that walking every day for 30 minutes can already benefit to your metal health. Regular walking has been linked to a lot of things like enhanced cognitive function, reduced risk of cognitive decline, improved mood, creativity boost, brain plasticity, focus and concentration, stress reduction and an improved sleep quality. We know this are a lot of things, that is why it’s very important to go for a walk on a regular basis. Every day can be a bit much for someone who is just starting and doesn.t have much spare time, but think about work breaks and other breaks where you are just sitting. Instead go for a walkand if you are starting to go for a couple times a week you will notice a change in your mood very fast, so why don’t try it. Buy your Mountos now and LACE UP!

Mountos for a healthy lifestyle

Like we’ve said before Mountos supports a healthy lifestyle above all. The importance of a healthy lifestyle is not only being healthy at the moment but it is also protection for the future, you don’t know what will happen so you can better be in the best shape you have ever been. This regards your mental health as well as your physical health. We are not saying walking a lot will prevent you from getting sick because there is obviously a lot more to a healthy lifestyle than just that, like healthy eating and self-care. But with Mountos we are sure you will be getting a good head start and that it will motivate you to do even more!

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